martes, 16 de octubre de 2012


Publicado el 11/09/2012 por HHCoalition by: Helping Hand Coalition - 

 From August 19 - 24, 270 international participants from Germany, the US, and Israel will walk together with 150 participants from Poland a distance of 2200 kilometers all across Poland. Over 50 members of the German delegation are descendants of members of Wehrmacht, police, or SS, who were directly involved in the war of annihilation and the Holocaust in Poland. 

Memorial Ceremonies will take place at historic memorial sites, such as Auschwitz, Kielce and Treblinka. On August 23, the Keynote Ceremony will take place in Warsaw in the presence of representatives of the spheres of politics and society both from Poland and Israel, among them the Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, MK Lia Shemtov. Following the principle of Remembering, Reconciling and Shaping the Future in Friendship, the participants want to honor the survivors of the Holocaust with this reconciliation march, and make a statement for Israel and against anti-Semitism. __________________________________ 

In January 1942 the Berlin Wannsee Conference led to the systematic genocide of approximately six million Jews in the Holocaust -- and of these more than four million Jews lost their lives in Poland. But the murderous schemes of the Nazis not only affected Jews: of the six million Polish citizens who were murdered during WWII, three million were of non-Jewish decent. 

Fuelled by fanatical Nazi racial hatred, Poland became a land of unspeakable suffering during WWII. Seventy years later, in August 2012, around 400 descendants of the perpetrators and the victims of the Holocaust -- including Germans, Poles and Jews -- will walk together along a route of 1300 miles across Poland, where the Holocaust and the destruction through WWII have left some of the country's deepest wounds. The route of the reconciliation march will connect six of the former death camps in the shape of a Star of David. Memorial services will be held in Warsaw, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Belzec, Majdanek, Chelmno and Sobibor. 50 members of the German delegation are descendants of members of Wehrmacht, police, or SS, who were directly involved in the war of annihilation and the Holocaust in Poland. 

At the historic sites of German atrocities, they want to find the words that their fathers and grandfathers never found. But more than anything else, they want to honor the survivors of the Holocaust and listen to the voices of the victims and their descendants in those places where their ancestors brought death and destruction. 

The March of Life in Poland is an initiative of Jobst and Charlotte Bittner and TOS Ministries in Tübingen, Germany. The in itiative is supported by the Israeli Knesset - Vice Speaker, Helping Hand Coalition, Jewish Community of Poland, Association of Ghetto and Holocaust Survivors, Veterans' Union of World War II (Israel), Fighters Against Nazism, the Association of Wounded Soldiers and Partisans who Fought the Nazis - Israel, Christen an der Seite Israels - Germany, European Coalition for Israel, Pentecostal Church in Poland, Baptist Church in Poland, Kościół Chrześcijan Wiary Ewangelicznej, Poland for Jesus, Shalom Ministry Association in Oświęcim and Olive Tree Ministries, Poland. Similar Marches have taken place in more than 80 cities in twelve countries -- including Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine and Germany where National Socialism has left its mark as well as many cities in the US and Latin America. 

These reconciliation marches include large events with official representatives with thousands of participants. In November 2011 the March of Life initiative was honored by the Israeli Knesset for its special support for Holocaust survivors. For the time between 2013 and 2015 plans have been made for further memorial events and reconciliation marches in cooperation with Polish churches and congregations. 

Me gusta: 373, No me gusta: 17 

 Comentarios del usuario que ha subido el vídeo ( HHCoalition ) Your channel is called HHcoalition (HealingHand coalition), but when I see HH I automaticly think of "Heil Hitler", so I was a bit confused by your channel name, but knew instantly, it couldn't mean that. 

A lot of people don't know, that Neonazis use HH or 88 (H is the 8th letter in the alphabeth) to say "Heil Hitler". I found a lot of comments on youtube with HH or 88 in it. 

 Anyway, thank's for that touching video! 

 MarsFranke hace 1 semana 

Thank you for your concern and consideration. Have a blessed day. HHCoalition en respuesta a MarsFranke hace 1 semana You have a blessed day too! Is Helping Hand something like Yad b'Yad? MarsFranke en respuesta a HHCoalition hace 1 semana Kind of.. HHCoalition en respuesta a MarsFranke hace 1 semana

 Mejores comentarios 

I have traveled in Germany and wondered why so many young people who were not alive during the war still felt the burden. This video explained to my heart. We all feel the blessing or the sorrow of our blood relatives before us. We love to boast when our grandparents were noble. We need to be healed when they were not. 

 Pamela Ayres hace 1 mes 6

 Amazing, brought tears to my eyes psychocomic

1 hace 1 semana 3 V

Responder a este vídeo... 
Thank you for posting this video. These people are very brave indeed. My wife and I were in Germany in 2008 to see our eldest son off before he went to fight in Iraq. We all went to the Dachau concentration camp, and I was amazed and touched by the sensitivity of the German people we met. The same rings true for the descendants of the ss soldiers on this march. My admiration for these people is unlimited 

 thewhoare1 hace 3 días

 Thank you for this amazing video!!! 
 oxanaeliahu hace 4 días 

 AFTER WE DRIED THE TEARS ROLLING DOWN OUR CHEEKS, we thought of dear friends who survived the death-camps but passed away in recent years. 

We thought of and discussed tthe present day Nazi storm troopers, i,e, islamist / jihadist / terrorists. who scream death to the west, death to the infidels, and who want an international caliphate! We ended our meeting, concurring that Iran, Muslim Brotherhood, Hezzb 'Allah, and so forth MUST BE DISARMED ASAP!!!

 Floridians4Israelins hace 1 semana 

 Be blessed! Be pardoned I sure do! Tevorchu! 

 Jose Teitelbaum hace 1 semana No. LarryAt27N en respuesta a Murray Stollman (Mostrar el comentario) hace 1 semana 

 Very emotional. Brought tears to my eyes.
 walther315 hace 1 semana 

 My name is John. It is not my birth name as my name was Janusz. I was born in Poland soon after the war, the sole child of Jewish parents who survived the worst atrocities of the Holocaust, including internment in Aushwitz for part of the war. My parents owed their survival partly due to their determination,and partly to having been brought up and educated with German as their second language at home. Despite having lost most of their respective families in the Holocaust they did not bring m 

John Chapman hace 1 semana 

 Murray, smearing your political opponents as Nazis is grossly unfair to people whose only "crime" is to hold opinions different from your own. Far worse, it trivializes the Holocaust. This is an amazing, truly touching video. Let's leave politics out of it, shall we? 

 HarrisAbrams en respuesta a Murray Stollman (Mostrar el comentario) hace 1 semana

 i, too, still have difficulty dealing with people and things "German" as a result of living through the discovery of the atrocities perpetrated upon peoples of our world under Nazi'ism's philosophy that by being German, automatically makes me better than anyone else, especially the so-called 'underclasses' (by virtue of their beliefs, their color or anything else that differentiates them from me!) Sounds like our Tea Party'ers, no? Murray Stollman hace 1 semana

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