Taki Yuriko y yo, Ernesto Kahan, autores del libro titulado GENOCIDIO, como lo hacemos cada 6 y 9 de Agosto, nuevamente recordamos a las víctimas de las bombas atómicas estalladas respectivamente en Hiroshima y Nagasaki, hace exactamente 64 años.
Desde su publicación en el año 2006, nuestro libro se ha constituido en un baluarte para la lucha contra los genocidios y para nosotros los autores, una dedicación total hacia una reducción universal de los gastos militares y para la firma de un tratado para el desarme total de armas nucleares y de destrucción masiva, así como para un acuerdo internacional de rechazo a la violencia y por la resolución política de los conflictos. Nos pronunciamos por el respeto a la diversidad de los grupos étnicos, culturales y nacionales y apoyamos la lucha por la justicia, la salud, la educación y la solidaridad social. Con respecto a armas nucleares que insistimos: no hay alternativa a la abolición de todas armas nucleares.
Prof. Ernesto Kahan.
Desde su publicación en el año 2006, nuestro libro se ha constituido en un baluarte para la lucha contra los genocidios y para nosotros los autores, una dedicación total hacia una reducción universal de los gastos militares y para la firma de un tratado para el desarme total de armas nucleares y de destrucción masiva, así como para un acuerdo internacional de rechazo a la violencia y por la resolución política de los conflictos. Nos pronunciamos por el respeto a la diversidad de los grupos étnicos, culturales y nacionales y apoyamos la lucha por la justicia, la salud, la educación y la solidaridad social. Con respecto a armas nucleares que insistimos: no hay alternativa a la abolición de todas armas nucleares.
Prof. Ernesto Kahan.
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Tel Aviv y Universidad Bar Ilan. Israel Presidente de Médicos por la Paz y la Protección del Ambiente
Ex Vicepresidente – Internacional de Médicos para la Prevención de la Guerra Nuclear (IPPNW - Premio Nóbel de Paz 1985)
Presidente Honorario de SIPEA - Sociedad Internacional de Poetas Escritores y Artistas A.C.
Vicepresidente-IFLAC – Foro Internacional para la Literatura y la Cultura de Paz
Embajador Universal de la Paz - Israel. Círculo Universal de Embajadores de la Paz - Ginebra - Suiza.
Taki Yuriko and I, Ernesto Kahan, authors of the book "GENOCIDE", as every year on August 6 and 9, are remembering the victims of the atomic bombs exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively, exactly 64 years ago.
Since its publication in the year 2006, our book has been constituted in a flag for the fight against genocides and for us, the authors, a total dedication toward a universal reduction of military expenses and for a treaty for the total disarmament of nuclear and other weapons of massive destruction, as well as for an international agreement of rejection of violence and for the political resolution of the conflicts.
We affirm the respect for the diversity of the national, cultural, and ethnic groups and support the fight for justice, health, education and social solidarity. Regarding nuclear weapons we insist: there is not alternative to the abolition of all nuclear weapons.
Prof. Dr. Ernesto Kahan MD MPH
University Professor - Poet – Physician
Vice President Intl Forum for Literature and Culture of Peace (IFLAC)National President UHE- UNION HISPANOAMERICAN WRITERS.
Vice Director of General Directorate Global Harmony Association (GHA)
Former Vice President of IPPNW (Nobel Peace Prize) and the actualpresident of the Israeli BranchHonorary President of SIPEA – International Society of Poets Writers and Artists A.C.
Biography of TAKI YURIKO
Born in Tokyo, Japan.
works now in KUMON Institute of Education
MEMBER of :International Writers and Artists Associatio
The International Forum for the Literature and Culture of PeaceWorld Congress of Poets-World Academy of Arts and Culture(Approved by UNESCO)
The 1st Poetry Advisory Committee of the Crane Summit 21st Century International Forum
Vice president of Hangchon World Academy Arts and culture
World Poets Society (W.P.S.)
World Congress of Poets for Research and Recitation
The World of Atomic Bomb Poem Anthology(published by Kadokawa)*
1My Revolution Square(published by Shichousha)
The Japan of Atomic Bomb Literature Anthology(published by Horupu)
*2Poems Against The War Anthology, joint with USA poets 2003 (publishedby Souhuusha)
Genocide written with Dr.Ernesto Kahan (published by Nihon Tosho center in July 2006)
SEIT JENVEM TAG ANTHOLOGY (published by Fisher Taschenbuch Verlag)*3
*1,2,3 TAKI Yuriko was the only poet born after the Second World War, to have poetry selected by the editors who compiled the anthologies.
8500 CHRISTS, LES 8500 CHRISTS(published by Stand @ rt)the first edition in 2002 and the second edition in 2003
Internet publishing http://www.takiyuriko.org/
Harmony in NewYork by WCPPRR
ANTHOLOGIE SECRETE (will publish by Jean-Paul Mestas )Selected by the editors who compiled the anthology.
In 2007 award from International Forum for the Literature and culture of peace in Argentina
In 2007 award from The Embassy of Honduras in Argentina
In 2007 award from The National Museum in Buenos Aires, Argentina
In 2006 received the Honorary Degree of Doctor in Literature .from World Academy of Arts and Culture (Approved by UNESCO)
In 2006 received the Honorary Degree of Doctor in Literature .from World Academy of Arts and Culture (Approved by UNESCO)
In 2006 “THE BEST POETS OF 2006” from International Writers and Artist Association with Dr.Ernesto Kahan
In 2006 “NeoungKeoum prize” from the Hangchon Culture Foundation in Korea
In 2005 “Medal Festos” from International Society of Greek Writers & Arts
In the Newspaper or Magazine of Australia, Brazil, China, Korea, Mongolia, India, Greece and France.
In the Newspaper or Magazine of Australia, Brazil, China, Korea, Mongolia, India, Greece and France.
In the Dictionary of 2000 Outstanding People 2003 by International Biographical Centre Cambridge in U.K.
Literary Works translated into 11 Languages from poetry book “8500 Christs”English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Hangul, Chinese, RussianRomanian, Mongolian, Greek
1893-48 OSAKA-CHO U SHIKU-SHI IBARAKI-KEN, JAPAN, 300-1286(c/o Yamamoto).
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